My Third-world Power Supply

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PerryL, Oct 8, 2020.

  1. I worried that I was a bit impatient buying the Fischer Heater as we hadn't had a power cut for over a week. Normal service has been resumed. I just got home and the microwave wouldn't work and it takes this computer about 12 minutes to reboot and cope with the shock.

    Now, I have only two devices that suffer: my microwave and my desktop computer. Once I find a way of replicating the five USB slots that I use and a network connection, my desktop is next to go and then I need to find a battery powered microwave - or, go an live in the remote Bolivian desert as that appears to have a better power supply than here!
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  2. Have you thought about getting a diesel generator in a trailer? They seem to work for Harleys.
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  3. Buy a Tesla. Put it on bricks then run a belt off one of the wheels to a dynamo.
    When you get mains leccy restored drive Tes. to your nearest charge point.
    Glad I could help. :upyeah:
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  4. Apparently your problem will soon be solved by wind.......
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  5. Are they strapping politicians to wind mills?
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  6. That power cut was the dress rehearsal. Just got another 3 hour one - Bolivia is looking more and more appealing!

    I did phone the power cut line and spoke to someone. The response was, "What the duck do you expect? You may have had the first Nuclear power station but we are getting you used to wind power. No wind today, so tough sheet!".

    I made that last bit up.
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  7. Doris says the UK will soon be the Saudi Arabia of wind. Hopefully that doesn't mean we will be murdering journalists with chain saws in our Embassies?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Be patient. BoJo and Cummings haven't been in power for that long....
  9. Why do you get so many power cuts? Is it just you or the entire street/neighbourhood/town?
  10. Yes! Don't go giving them ideas. BoJo famously was once involved in a conspiracy to beat up a journalist who'd written an article one of his ultra rich friends didn't like, and it's not that much of a step from baseball bats to chainsaws. Reading the Guardian with my cup of coffee in the morning and listening to BBC Radio 4 are two of the few pleasures I have left and I'm sure those two institutions would be close to the top of their hit list. :worried:
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  11. It's just him, the electrickery company found out he had installed super efficient water heating and are taking revenge :D
    • Funny Funny x 2
  12. That’s what I wondered. Has the Fischer been wired in properly? Is it consuming so much electricity it’s overloading the local grid? I think it needs investigation. :joy:
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  13. The nuclear station he talks of was going to be decommissioned until they heard about the fischer thread on here :p
    • Funny Funny x 3
  14. It's not just him

    We get loads of power cuts.
    At least 1 every other month for more than an hour, several a year for more than 3-4hrs, and lots of mini ones that last a few seconds or minutes.
    Plays hell with the tech in the house.

    And we're rural, but not that rural.

    I have a quiet(ish)sine wave 1Kw Petrol generator that I can run most tech off, including the broadband router, my desktop, and if Laptop batteries run down.
    It's also been used to get the fridge freezer down to temp a couple of times.
    I don't know if the noise annoys the neighbours more than the fact that we have power and they don't.

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  15. See what you and your Fischer have done now Perry? Even poor old Nasher in Portsmouth is affected:astonished:
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  16. Sounds a bit crap that mate, we're as rural as a rural thing and don't suffer that many. There's a big new substation going in a few miles up the road and we have had a few trips this summer, I suspect, due to that but normally once a year if unlucky - must be all the wind we have, Boris would love it :D
  17. We’ve had 2 in the 15 years in this house, it’s disgusting in this modern day :mad:
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  18. It is Crap actually, but after 22yrs we're used to it.
    we're @12 miles North of Portsmouth 'Island' and the village is quite large, although only a small part of it, where we live, has it's power coming in via above ground lines across the South Downs. So it's only a small part of the village that suffers.

    It is worse during the winter, and is going to start causing me issues as I'm still working from home because of the plague.

    #18 Nasher, Oct 8, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2020
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  19. It's the whole town and surrounding area. I have go two theories: 1) someone at Western Power Distribution thinks that it's "funny". Most of the people who worked at the Nuclear Power Station - if they are still alive - live in Berkeley and this is a bit of pay back, as in "Your not so clever now, are you? We shut the power station and now it's your turn to suffer!". The second is that they have to make somebody suffer a power cut. To the South is Bristol and to the North is Gloucester/Cheltenham. There is nobody of any importance here and the MP is either in London or at home that is nowhere around here. So, the feeling is that there is no industry to worry about and Sharpness Docks probably have their own power supply for navigation equipment. So, this area is an easy target because no industry and nobody important gets upset.

    The Main problem is that although I can have a hot shower, my landline 'phone requires power as does my internet connection, as well as my microwave. I am going to look into getting a gennie because this is getting ridiculous!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. Needs to be a decent bit of kit to run tech from PL.

    My 1Kw jobbie is only a Clarke one, but is sine wave and it doesn't seem to upset any of our tech.

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