Need to list this on Ebay - I bought it as a 999 item, mislabeled as a 916 - doesn't fit, any ideas? Approx 116mm hole centers
Didn't know there was one on the rear pot pipe? I have a Termi fitted to one and a Full Serpent System on the other but doesn't look like it fits anywhere - is it on standard pipes only? Any pictures?
749/999 (as fitted to my 2003 999) Pare-chaleur tuyau echappement centrale 749, 749S, 999 Ducati - Grand Lyon Moto Pieces
Just measured mine on the bike. Allen head to Allen head hole 13.5 cm. That's measuring on the front curved face.
Yes that's what my standard heat shield measures but the carbon one measures approx 116mm, so still a mystery then
I've seen a few on eBay being sold as suitable for a 748-9**, was it this? CARBON FIBRE Exhaust Heat Shield Ducati 748 916 996 998 type 3 | eBay Mounting hole centres stated to be 133 approx!