Nadine Dorries suspended as Tory MP

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Nov 6, 2012.

  1. Never heard of the woman until today. Mind you I liked what she said about Cameron and his chum :biggrin:
  2. What an absolute arse hole though, for thinking that she should go out there instead of representing her constituents. She's probably had about 10 weeks off for the summer hols and now prioritises achieving Z-list celebrity status above doing her actual job.
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  3. So you're one of her constituents. You have a beef that you really want her to fix (and let's face it, going to your MP is normally something of a last resort).
    But you are told she won't be able to see you, because she is spending a month getting herself on a second-rate TV show.

    Would you be annoyed? Just a bit?
    Remember, she is supposedly your representative, and now you have no representation.
    Of course, if you don't think she does represent you much, that must tell you plenty about how brilliantly Parliament works to let your voice be heard.
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  4. Good. Stupid woman. Really how dumb? You make a name for yourself by standing up for what you believe and defying 'upper management' and they you go and undermine yourself for a f-ing entertainment TV show. Idiot
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  5. They could all do with a stint in the jungle and leave them there :)
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  6. she's a snobby, right wing bitch. i saw her on some 'reality' show where she had to live on state benefits for week in a council flat..she kept a brave face on it but she was shitting herself and hated it, essentially saying that those who are less fortunate bring it on uncompassionate bitch...a tory.
    so if this 2nd rate fame whore wants to be on a 3rd rate 'sleb show and relinquish the last of her credibility then go away you silly cow.
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  7. and breathe.........
  8. Verbatim quote from Nadine Dorries MP:
    "I am not an MP for any reason other than because God wants me to be. There is nothing I did that got me here; it is what God did. There is nothing amazing or special about me, I am just a conduit for God to use."
  9. God did it. Not idiots in her constituency, voting for the lunatic. Not democracy in action. It was a wizard. Sorry, I mean, it was God.

    That's a bloody relief, I'd hate to think that there is a large group of morons running around which would vote her into office.
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  10. A conduit?? I cant type what Im thinking because I'll get myself banned for a week. Needless to say, Im less than impressed
  11. Think of the expenses claim a month in Australia is going to generate .
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  12. I've changed my mind now. It's far better that mad people should be on the other side of the world and having nothing to do with the democratic process. Let's just hope the public don't vote her for an early bath. Australia you say? Poisonous snakes and spiders. Crocodiles. Quite a good chance she won't come back. :upyeah:
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  13. she admits she's a delusional lunatic??Props for that at least nadine.
    one can literally get away with murder if they say that god revealed herself and told them to do it...she doesnt mention which god it zeus, apollo, thor, yaweh, alleh, vishnu, or the fairies that live at the bottom of her garden?
  14. hehe...theres nothing special about just on a mission from god...dont mistake this for arrogance...its simply religious understatement and sincerity.
  15. She's a mad as a box of frogs. I'd "hit it" then make my excuses :wink:
  16. Thing is, did the local Tory party know she was a nutty messenger from God when they decided that she was the best possible candidate to represent the constituency? Or, rather like the US Republican Party, did they find that to be a positive advantage which made sure that she got the nod?

    I find this sort of thing all rather worrying. Since becoming a confirmed atheist, I really do have problems with people in power believing in invented creators with beards, or in dissing evolution and believing that Genesis is a closer description of primeval history.

    Mad people are fine. Just so long as they aren't taking decisions for me.
  17. The poor lady probably thinks she was chosen for her good looks, wit and charm and that it's absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the nation's outraged press (and internet forums) will give the programme unlimited free publicity 'cos she's an MP.

    Manipulative TV producers? Surely not.
  18. The day that TV producers start to choose the public good over the pursuit of ratings ... hmm, well, let's just say that that day will have a "y" in it.
  19. Nadine Dorries grew up on a council estate and believes in rewards from hard work and enterprise, she is a Thatcherite who obviously doesn't fit in with the Cameron cabal. It does sound like she is losing it though. She was fighting boundary changes and the prospect of losing her seat.
    #20 johnv, Nov 7, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2012
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