I've recently bought a 55 plate 749 which has an exhaust like shown below. The can has "For Race Use Only" stamped on it. I'd like to turn it back to stock any ideas what the exhaust might be and can i just swap the end can without a change to the ECU etc?
Will most likely be a Termignoni system. The ECU may be the DP version to match the can. It's a PIA to get to the ECU as it is on the back of the battery box behind the heat shield. If you can get the info off the labels then I can tell you what is fitted. You should really fit the stock ECU for stock cans. You will need to refit the stock link pipes as the rear CAT is inside the can and the front in the link pipe. If you don't have the original system they crop up on eBay cheap.
Thanks for the replies, i'll try to get to the ECU as the battery needs to be changed anyway. If I buy an Exhaust off Ebay is there any difference between 749s, 749 and the black or grey swinging arm models of exhaust or are they all the same?
mate,,, that looks to me to be a full Termi system,, that ( afaik ) is the exhaust of choice for most 749 /(S ) owners , as I have myself ,, I cannot see any reason why you would want to revert back to OEM with all the hassles and cost involved.. just be glad you have got one and enjoy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I expect there are many on here who would willingly and eagerly lighten you of that and give you their standard in exchange....
Was only bothered by the fact the the Can has "For race use only" stamped on it which strictly speaking means it shouldn't have passed it MOT 3 months ago and if I were stopped could mean a fine hence the motivation to switch to a road legal system.
I wouldn't worry about that. I've stuck some metallic heat-shield tape over mine so it's not visible - MOT testers aren't allowed to tamper with it and nobody's ever challenged me over it. That exhaust setup is worth a pretty penny...!
The tester uses his discretion about noise there is no form of noise tester used in the MOT. It would fail a roadside check by plod as it is not e marked. You'd possibly invalidate your insurance if you've not declared it to them if you have a claim, or plod check the non standard can is notified to the insurers.
from what i can gather all Termis are marked like that,, fwiw mine was mot d the day before i bought it,,,,, dont worry about it..