National Black Police Association

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. Is it right that such an organisation exists ?

    Replace 'black' with 'white' and ask the same question.
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  2. No it isn't they should be blackballed . :wink:
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  3. Its self apartheid imo.
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  4. No, I've always said this.

    Imagine the upraor if it was the other way around. Same with the MOBO awards, why no MOWO awards?

    It's definatley a one way street.
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  5. no way.
  6. There is also one for LGBT, and Women only and while they are all at meetings the rest are just annoying MrC
  7. If I was to start a WASP Association I'm sure some pinko lentil eating shirt lifter would throw their hemp bag for life out of their Moses basket.
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  8. I had to Google LGBT :rolleyes:

    Strangely I find the idea of a LGBT association much less of a problem, as long as they are transparent in how they run their association.
  9. I had to google it too !
    but hey I' m not a bent....
  10. It seems that discrimination is fine, as long as it's "positive discrimination", ie to the benefit of a minority. I am assuming that a National Motorcycle-Riding Police Association would be fine...
  11. What about the WI? :wink:
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  12. So what?
    We have Men Only :cool:
  13. If society were free of prejudice these organisations would not exist.

    sadly, its not free of prejudice.
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  14. Can I get in the WI please? I can knit.

    Regards Steve
  15. But does positive discrimination reduce prejudice ?
  16. Or does it enhance it?
  17. Plenty of male-only London gentlemen's clubs in Pall Mall.
    Good job too.
  18. I think someone should bring this up at the M.O.W.O. awards
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  19. No, because you'd hope that the police would be colour blind. is there an Asian Police Association? An Irish one? A Jewish one?
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