Nature Watch

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mervyn, May 21, 2014.

  1. Was delighted to see a barn owl yesterday evening.It was flying backwards and forwards over a field of long grass.We saw it swoop down about 3 times to catch its prey,then to fly off to a large chestnut tree,where it must have young to feed.We then saw the male fly in to join the female.:upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Didn't realise they could fly backwards..........
    • Funny Funny x 3
  3. the wife and her mate have a owl box with a camera in it thay have another breading pair in it, i will post somw pictures later.
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  4. That would be nice to see.
  5. no prob.
  6. its lovely to see such a creature in flight - effortless and elegant.
  7. P1060075.JPG P1070936.JPG P1070936.JPG P1080577.JPG
    5chicks all flew the coup
    #7 finm, May 21, 2014
    Last edited: May 21, 2014
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  8. 2nd picture down, owl top right - "how you doin"
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. 2nd picture down, owl top left- " no bad,you?"
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Thanks for that Finm.Mrs Mervyn also says thanks and says the chicks are very cute.Won't be long before they are fully trained and very effective hunters.I have been doing a bit of reading up on them-they are a bit like a bird version of a stealth fighter.We saw them again last night when they were hunting-was a great sight.:upyeah:
  11. they where last years chicks, there is another 4 on the way.
  12. Isn't it an interesting feature of psychology that creatures with an upright posture (like owls, penguins, meerkats) are found attractive by us humans, while those with a ground-hugging posture (like snakes, rats) are found repulsive.
  13. any thing whit big eyes also.
  14. ummm

  15. there cute. always wanted a frogery (wright word?)
  16. an 'army', 'chorus' or 'colony'........ or if you are cooking them en masse, an 'hors oeuvre'......
    • Like Like x 1
  17. sick man, how could you.

  18. ask 'Les Francais'........
  19. les francais not a peep from them, no nice bottle no wee envelope. 12 bags of saw dust still sitting at the door, they are obviously a corrupt race, just look at there cars. i aint a racist but.
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