Was delighted to see a barn owl yesterday evening.It was flying backwards and forwards over a field of long grass.We saw it swoop down about 3 times to catch its prey,then to fly off to a large chestnut tree,where it must have young to feed.We then saw the male fly in to join the female.
the wife and her mate have a owl box with a camera in it thay have another breading pair in it, i will post somw pictures later.
Thanks for that Finm.Mrs Mervyn also says thanks and says the chicks are very cute.Won't be long before they are fully trained and very effective hunters.I have been doing a bit of reading up on them-they are a bit like a bird version of a stealth fighter.We saw them again last night when they were hunting-was a great sight.
Isn't it an interesting feature of psychology that creatures with an upright posture (like owls, penguins, meerkats) are found attractive by us humans, while those with a ground-hugging posture (like snakes, rats) are found repulsive.
f.uk les francais not a peep from them, no nice bottle no wee envelope. 12 bags of saw dust still sitting at the door, they are obviously a corrupt race, just look at there cars. i aint a racist but.