For Sale Navi Halter Garmin Mount Multistrada 1260

Discussion in 'Parts, Accessories & Clothing For Sale' started by Andrew46, Nov 12, 2023.

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  1. I think it should fit the DVT MTS as well as the 1260.
    Garmin Zumo adapter, may fit other versions but please check.
    £45 posted to UK IMG_8221.jpeg IMG_8222.jpeg
  2. Is this still available?
  3. If @Andrew46 no longer has the mount (please wait for his response, I have no wish to do him out of a sale), I have a similar mount that came off my Multistrada 1200, if it is the same fitting. Andy
  4. No, sorry sold it a while ago.

    Could thread be closed please.
  5. Thanks for waiting for my reply:upyeah:
    I've sold mine, so glws
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  6. Thread closed
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