Navihalter Multistrada 2013/14

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Piero, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. Hi can you operate the screen height adjustment properly or is it awkward or non adjustable?
  2. Adjustable with screw. (Angle and height)
    #3 Piero, Mar 3, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2014
  3. Ok thank you

    I just need to understand the German website I can't read German I will have to try a translator thanks Stuart
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  4. This holder is mounted in the optimal driver's vision in the field of "one-hand windshield adjustment". Access to one-handed operation of the windshield is only minimally more difficult. The adjustment of the windshield is completely retained. To this bracket can be mounted without additional accessories all waterproof motorcycle GPS from Garmin, TomTom and BMW. Other Navi can be fixed with a few accessories or craftsmanship.
  5. I can't see how you would adjust the screen with this Garmin added. I would there to be a sat nav in that location with a sliding screen.
  6. Arr thank you do we get any discounts on the forum any body know ??
  7. Piero, can u take a pic from the seat and front of the bike with the carbon screen fitted please. Just wondering if the nav sits in the wind stream.
    cheers Jim
  8. Can you pull the screen up and down with the push pull feature?
  9. Ive just bought it from the site, I'll report back when i get it.
    #10 Phantomfighter, Mar 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2014
  10. Pf, Some time ago I had the same problem when I tried to pay for a Garmin Zumo 350 adaptor using the PayPal link on the Navihalter site. I ended up sending them an e mail explaining the problem. They replied saying there was a problem with the PayPal link (they've obviously still not fixed it!) and gave an alternative payment method. Can't remember exactly what that was.
    Not sure if anyone at Navihalter understands English so I used Google Translate to craft e mails.
  11. Yes, when my windshield is back from Italy :wink:
  12. Of course
  13. I managed to use a different web browser. I think it may have been the adblock and translate things I was using.

    I have purchased it now and will report back.
  14. Well thats just amazing then!
  15. I can't get to order one it would be a lot easier to put one on ebay so I could buy one that way for both party's
  16. Problems with PayPal on some websites:

    Two things that have helped when I've had problems - if using Google Chrome, switch to Internet Explorer instead, seems some websites are 'configured' for IE and on other occasions I've found that temporarily disabling AV software did the trick.
  17. Hey Andy. I made a new channel. I know you were subbed to my previous one. Just wanted to share the same content but different link.
    It's multistrada content.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. I've just had one fitted to my MTS PP. Will put up some pixies when I pick it up later this week.
  19. Pixies! Me an atheist as well. Maybe images would be a better term...
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