I was in Sardinia and Corsica last week and had a little topple off when I stopped on a cambered corner and then tried to put my foot down into a sloping drainage channel (oops). Helpfully captured by my friends helmet cam. My top Wunderlich screen extension hit the wall, twisted and managed to break the main screen. This was the screen afterwards, found the broken part and saved it, just in case. Surprisingly this modification didn't really improve wind flow and buffeting! When I got to the hotel that night I borrowed a drill and together with some Superglue, cable ties and Gaffa tape I made a repair that got me through the rest of the trip. It wobbled a bit, but it stayed together at speeds up to 100mph. Just proves that you can fix nearly anything with cable ties and Gaffa...
Oops.Good roadside repair there. I broke my screen rather like that in a garage topple over. I replaced it with an MRA screen and it is now better than the OE screen for my ergonomics. It was also cheaper than an OE replacement and comes with a top deflector a little like the one you had. Worth considering.
Sorry to hear about the drop, but glad your not hurt. I reckon you missed a trick though, you could have made it into a double bubble job
Nice bodge work....... reminds me why i always have cable ties and a small roll of tape under the rear seat