New bike, very happy :) question on getting neutral...

Discussion in 'Monster' started by chucklepie, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. Hello,
    New bike just arrived in the post. Never mind the looks, I can't believe how nice it sounds. Long story but I can't ride it until Sunday.

    Anyway, while playing with it I noticed I just cannot get it into neutral from first. Second is fine. Is it just me, or is it the bike?

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  2. Honestly I am not surprised. 2 things, firstly it's unlikely that you have the bike warm enough (assuming it's running) and secondly it will be tight. On my 848 I had issues with going from 2nd down to 1st gear and kept hitting nuetral but it's got better and better.

    Honestly, wait until you have done around 200 miles+ and it will free up, if it's like the 848 it's quite a soft action from 1st up to neutral.
  3. Hello Mate, Pleased that you likee the bikee. Sounds like the clutch might be dragging a bit, probably needs bleeding. I think you've got a nipple at the lever end, put tube on it, loosen nipple and pull lever in gently and see if bit of air comes out, nip up nipple with lever still in. Check fluid level.

    Cheers Keith.
  4. it's not you :)
  5. Personally I wouldn't start trying to bleed clutches until you have ridden it... Just my opinion.
  6. Thats nice. Cant ride it till Saturday? That must be torture. :upyeah:
  7. doesnt hurt to check your chain tension either
  8. When I say new, I mean new to me :) it's got 4k on the clock. It's just had a full belt service so I expect it's just me coming from my old bike and not used to the gears.

    Starting it up, coming from my super docile and quiet FZ6, it first made me shit my pants then luckily that passed and I got a stiffy ;)
  9. After a few days riding, I can find neutral with my eyes shut now. Thread closed :)
  10. Well done! Now you've clicked with the bike. Lovely looking little thing and all too often overlooked.
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