BBC News - New curriculum in England 'to match world?s best' I'm not against a more demanding curriculum, in fact I'm all for it, but it just seems to me that Gove (the chinless wonder and his merry men) wants to take teaching back fifty years and seems to just be paying lip service to modern advancements. It seems to me that this government want children to be just bombarded with facts and will be expected to memorise facts and regurgitate stuff on demand, rather than to be involved and to dissect and understand what and how they are being taught. In my view I beleive my way would mean that children would be able to make considered decisions and would be able to apply them in the right way when making their way in the world. Don't get me wrong I sometimes despair at things like text speak, poor spelling, the inability to do simple mathematics etc but I do think that teachers need to teach, and in my view all tools that could be made available to them to allow them to do that, should be. In this way kids will get the best of all worlds to help them in this life. I'm not an educationalist but I'd be interested to hear what the masses think about our super new educational system.:smile: But maybe I'm wrong and teaching is all about dictating facts and figures and that children shouldn't be allowed to think for themselves. Discuss :smile:
My children are in academy schools and in primary school they already learn fractions most of what is suggested my two already do My guess is this is aimed at non academy schools I have noticed that the schools my two are at run a similar format to where I work and remarked to the school how similar to business it is.
They shouldnt have such a ridiculous year plan! there should be far less time away from school. it should be 9-5 with a couple of breaks mon to fri. there should far more emphasis on sport with a proper structured approach to team not the wishy washy approach and misuse by management phrase "teamwork" that is wheeled out with all the other corporate rollock phrases there should more emphasis on competition and winning rather than the weak "its the taking part that counts" rollicks. there certainly should be more discipline but not in that weird tone of voice associated with teachers there should be less management structure interfering with schools and everything else they interfere with finally there should be more money paid by those using the facility not relying on other to pay their way for them!
I find these things so funny as you know it will change again in two years, will have ruined the kids education by then and its all about target passes, not learning
yep all the public services are fooked about by successive so called leaders and i can confirm we go round and round doing the latest greatest new idea that funnily enough we did twenty years ago...reinventing the wheel!!
Wen we wuz orl edjucated, we din' spen' less time away from skool........we wuz jus tort proppa ow to spel an add up. These dayz it is pointless trying to teech skoolkids to do bettah, wen the 'kin teechers arnt even properlly edjucated enuff. Beforr anyfing will get bettah, there needs to be a much bettah clas of teecher who are kapable of unnerstanning and prezenting an improoved kurrikulum, baised on how kid woz tort in the 50s an 60s or errlyer. That wai, kids can be steered in the dirrekshun they are best sooted to, eyetha ackademmik or praktikal, then we can have apprentesships in enjineering agen. Sum peeple seem to think that the praktikal side of fings is a lessa edjuckashun an is at the bottum of the skale, but in realitti, edjukashun izzn't a vertikal skale of indikkashun of abilliti, but a horryzontal skale......meening noboddy iz bettah than sumwun els, but simply skilled in a different feeld.....Like wot I ar.
I don't like the concept that the new national curriculum can be ignored by the Academy schools. If the new curriculum is so good, why shouldn't it be followed by everyone?
All that's suggested is being followed by the academy schools my two already do the things that are in that write up. As far as I'm aware these schools are independent from the LEA The secondary school is a sports academy My two are doing very well at school Both have very good ofsted results
All state schools provide education for 190 days each year, by law. Are you saying it should be increased to more than 190 days? Or just that the dates should be juggled around?
...or that its 190 days of 9-5 rather than 845-1330 or 1430 or 1515 depending on day and school... Only way to get first class education is to pay privately for it. Fact.
P its not like the legal profession you know, most ordinary people start work before 10 30 and work long after 15.30.........and dont take a 2hr lunch in between......let alone contending with shift work!
For shear tripe that has to be the most banal statement I've heard for a very long time. What background or knowledge do you have within the educational sector? Not the usual anecdotal shite "I went to a good school and worked hard but never got the breaks" or "my brother/sister/auntie/uncle went private and they are all doctors/engineers/buddhists now". REAL experience or knowledge.........? You cannot argue that (globally) private education is better than the state sector. Fact. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Teachers do not get "special training" to be in the private sector, they all come from the same universities, teacher training courses, polys and so on, applying from the same secondary schools after A levels. Fact. Private sector schools draw potential teachers from the same country wide pool of teaching stock. Fact. Those recruited don't necessarily get enhanced pay grades, they are on the same scales as the rest. Fact. Private sector in fact like to pay less for the teacher's services as they expect them to be grateful to have the chance to experience life on the other side. Fact. They also recruit many "old boys" on the nod who often have NO RECOGNISED teacher status........ FACT. They may be GOOD at their "industrial jobs" but that is no qualification that they can be any good at imparting that knowledge....... Fact. Ex squaddies have some delivery skills but most don't. Fact. Would you expect a good teacher to be able to fight properly? Fact. Skills are non transferable by and large. Fact. Would you want Troy Bayliss, Valentino Rossi or Cal Crutchlow to service your ST4? Doubt it. Would you want them to ride your machine in a race series? Yes. FACTS. Very few race mechanics/engine prep guys have good personal racing records, they know machines NOT racing. Fact. I have extensive teaching experience in both private and state sectors. Good or bad, it's still little old me at the chalk face. Facts are not always what you expect them to be. FACT.
The problem with education in the UK is that it no longer teaches the basic principles of any subject. That is why young adults leaving school cannot spell, do basic maths, or construct coherent sentances. Most don't know the difference between "there", "their" and "they're" or between "your" and "you're". The latest thing is that "then" seems to have replaced "than" in common usage. (And don't even get me started on people who use "myself" and "yourself" when they actually mean "me" and "you"). Because they have no idea how the language works they cannot use it correctly. They need the basics of every subject, be it English, maths, science or whatever, to make sense of everything that follows. Unfortunately the basics are now seen as being "uncool" or "boring". That and the fact that the exam system has been totally messed up to ensure that almost everyone gets an "A" of some kind... The current system is like awarding a gold medal to 75% of all the competitors that turned up for the Olympics without them having to bother participating in any events. Of course there would have to be three types of gold - "gold", "gold+" and "gold*"...
Blimey...I think you are confusing bad teaching with appropriate class sizes, quality resources and the time to be able to deliver the right education if you want consistency, small class sizes and an education which works on lifting the lowest to highest, not pulling the highest down, it can't be state school. 30+ to a class, averages used like they mean something and everything driven to get a % above the norm. Hardly tailored education is it. sure some teachers excellent and do a fab job with little resources and maximum skill and effort and some kids grab themselves out to success. But look around the upper echelons of society, whether corporate or show business, and funny thing is most are not from comp backgrounds. The loss of the grammar school system did for the common man
And whilst we are on the subject of "FACTS"... The RN used the same test for numeracy and literacy for decades. It was called "NAMET" - NAval Maths and English Test. The strange thing was that over the years recruits joining the RN with the same educational results were getting lower and lower scores on the NAMET. And why, exactly, was that? Because the exams (O-level/CSE/GCSE) were getting easier. It got to the point that it was so blatantly obvious that to avoid embarrassing the education system they did away with NAMET and introduced a completely different system called "LANTERN" - Literacy And Numeracy Test RN. By the end of my time in the RN we had young people joining who had roughly the same qualifications that I had 30 years previously that could not even pick up a pen and write with it. I saw several who had handwriting that was worse than my seven-year-old niece. And that is "FACT".
The following are observations based on my family members, children, nieces etc, over the last 20 odd years. Generally the standard of education seems to me to be lower now than before. I`m trying to ignore intelligence and ability of each child and just looking at the constants and the teachers and the attitudes as I see them. There certainly seems to have been a move towards NOT correcting errors in speech, fact , spelling etc and instead an acceptance of lower standards. I`m also ignoring pass marks, and grades as I`m not sure if the tests in 2012 are the same as 1992. I`ve not yet seen all of Gove`s suggestions but what I have seen does not seem bad and IMO something needs to be done. If I advertise a vacancy at work too many of the under 30 year old applicants are unemployable so something is wrong somewhere.
It was a very straightforward question - in your view, should state school attendance remain at 190 days per year, or be increased to more than 190 days per year? No need to be afraid to answer, it's not a trick question!
like you answer questions put to you P........fook orf that said 190 days, whats a day 8 hours or 0930 to 1530? even 190 8 hour days is working just over 6 months of the year!! i find that insulting!!!