There are likely to be a few bugs to be ironed out, I've noticed a couple of things already - please post details of anything that appears broken or features that are now absent/missed here: Don't edit pre forum software update posts to clean up problems with html code or issues with photos yet........likely all will come good with time. Rob is working flat out on the upgrade! ;-)
Really.......send me the URL's! lol - kidding! ;-) I know there's an issue with banner 'ads' but didn't know they were of the unsavoury (to some lol) sort. If that's the case comment in the thread I linked to above so Rob can escalate the issue in his to do list ;-)
Thank Rob.............hope I'm not being nice but dim - so I just add @Rob in a post and you (@whomever) gets a notification? more Asian on line dating....I'll have to find that "manually"....if you pardon my wording.
Thanks for the feedback guys. Can you keep all posts regarding the new forum in the thread below please? Cheers!