899 New Grips

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Hogatron, Apr 25, 2017.

  1. Anyone else find the standard Ducati grips too small/firm?
    Maybe it's old age but I'm going to try some Progrips - seen a few pans with them on...
    Anyhow, does anyone have any tips for fitting?
    Most things I've tried in the past (spray paint/hairspray etc) was on dirt bikes and not the cleanest install, although worked well
  2. I've got the progrips and they're better

    I just used hair spray to install them after cutting the old ones off
  3. Yup hairspray and they slid on in a couple of seconds.
  4. Bear in mind that hairspray will stop working if water gets under the grips. Grip glue is the best thing to use.
  5. I've always used water / detergent mix with no problems.
  6. To get off feed the pipe of the WD40 can under the grip and squirt in a bit of fluid and twist.
    Compressed air also works, seen that on YOUTUBE think it was flying Dutchman guy, he puts a load of stuff up, worth a look anyhow!
  7. If you do use glue Don't use it on throttle side

    Hairspray does the job anyway
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Had to trim the bar end with a razor blade to dit these.

    Great grip - much more comfortable.

  9. Cool, hairspray it is - thanks guys.
    I knew keeping that '80s perm for all these years would come in useful
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