yes, i realize that this is not legal in some regions of the world ... but for those who are interested: i installed the direct-wire power adaptor for my recently upgraded Valentine 1 v2 radar detector, and set up a RAM X-Mount (with a velcro strap for added security) to mount the Valentine 1 v2 detector on my 1260s ... allowing for both front and rear radar and laser detection. the direct-wire power adaptor is wired to the stock keyed GPS power take-off on the Multi, along with my Garmin Zumo XT GPS. the Garmin power cable is connected using a waterproof 2 pin connector, so i can swap it out and replace with a new power cable if/when this one goes belly-up as they tend to do. the Valentine 1 v2 power adaptor is hardwired in, as these do not go bad. the Valentine 1 v2 power connector is hidden under the right top fairing black plastic cover, and i use the Valentine 1 foot coiled power cable to power the detector.