749 New Or Second Hand Ecu And How..???

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by bluey, Dec 7, 2015.

  1. Hi

    So my ECU has fried and I need another one.

    New is the best part of £1000.00

    Second hand way cheaper but would it work? If so how please?


  2. Just found this
  3. Depending on the age of your 749 I have a brand new virgin ECU that should be plug and play subject to an over write which Chris can do. It's an IAW 59M A2 WW010/0115_099 and I think Chris said it is good for pre 2004. Hope this helps. Andy
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  4. Mine is an 05.
  5. No problem. Andy
  6. Just put @chrisw and he will be along.

    Sorry to slow.
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  7. :)

    If someone could point me to the correct ECU on eBay or whatever I could purchase that and post it to you??
  8. OK so I have a doner ECU coming and Chris is helping out too ;) ;) Result!

    Once I have the ECU back from Chris what is the procedure to make it work with my bike?
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Plug it in, switch ignition on, press starter switch Brrruuuuum :)
  10. It's as easy as that. Ideally you should do a TPS reset but you will be ok without. If you have the red key you could code the ecu but I wouldn't bother.
    Don't forget to reattach the earth fly lead that goes under one of the ecu retaining bolts.
  11. Simples. :) :)
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