new rider here!

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by c90, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. hi Im nu 2 ducatis and big bikes. Been ridding 4 nearly a year and i want 2 by my 1st big bike soon. is a ducati a good 1st bike. i have apotser of casy ridding the ducati and i want to by one of those

    is there ny ducat meets nr london? would like to meat people in preson.
  2. There are plenty of rogues on here if you want to meet in preson 

    Welcome to the mad house
  3. Don't encourage them.....or they'll come back, instead of going to school.
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  4. I'm trying to be good and not pinch people's threads 
  5. welcome c90.
  6. Welcome, you incomprehensible young person.
    BTW (see that handy abbreviation?), if you're going to shorten words using text speak to save typing, don't put an extra "d" in "riding". You had to type at least 2 unnecessary characters there.

    Just messing you about. (You'll get used to that.) :smile:
  7. I blame predictor txt 
  8. Funny I blame poor this instance. It's neither text spk nor grammatically correct to be English.

    And I certainly don't want his meat in preson either, or anywhere else for that matter.

    Sorry, but this has to be a p*ss take!
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  9. where exactly do you want to meat .........the butchers , the uk or new york .........and did you mean prison not preson????? tx bk ......
  10. then i reckon son your best bet is to get on deal or no deal , £250,000 should cover the deposit

    Isn't £250'000 a bit expensive for a poster?
  11. oh i see now , poster i thought he meant apostle
  12. A dokati wud b a gud furst bik.
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  13. My first bike was a 748, and never looked back
  14. I'll translate .......moy furst bik woz a 748 n Neva luked bac:biggrin:
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  15. Thats better:upyeah:

  16. I no Casey is talented, but 1 step dn frm Jesus?
  17. I think he should maybe get a push bike for his first big bike and with least the manual will be easier to read.....!!
  18. If you're still using tapes may I suggest the C120, you can get a double album on those, or two C60's if you want better quality. The C90 was an ok compromise but just ran out of puff at the end, did honda make a C120, dont remember seeing a poster either, ah the C90 now that was a bike, I mean tape, oh bugger....
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