1260 New Shoes

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Steelboss, Nov 24, 2020.

  1. So the Italian Supermodel has worn out her shoes. Bridgestone S22,s have been absolutely outstanding in every area other than wear rate, but that’s what I expected.
    So rather than “same again” she’s having a home fitting of Continental Sport Attack 4’s.
    Let you know what they’re like this weekend :bucktooth:
  2. Nooooo! You should have gone for the Metzeler Roadtek 01 SE. Best tyres for this bike, bar none. ;)
  3. Road Attacks will last better and are outstanding for all round performance and grip on big bikes
  4. Metzeler 01’s have already wrecked one trip for me, to be fair that was on my DVT, fantastic when fitted, awful when 1/2 gone. Too touring, not enough sport :imp: ;)
  5. Continentals have always felt really good when I’ve ridden on them on other peoples bikes. Did a track day on some, real result. I’ll be interested to in your feedback, been really tempted by them, felt like bikes were on rails.
  6. I’ve only experienced them once before, put a set of trail attacks on a 1200 explorer, noticeably better than the Michelin’s they replaced.... (still the worst “at speed” handling bike I’ve owned)
  7. I’ve got a pair of Metz M7RRs after some Diablo 3s.

    I prefer the Metzelers, but the back tyre doesn’t seem to have lasted very long....
  8. If you ride a Multistrada with enthusiasm on the M7RR, expect below average mileage. I doubt I got more than 2,500 miles and the new M9RR isn’t looking much better for mileage although still very sticky :D Andy
  9. 100%, I can trade longevity for outright grip.

    Have you noticed any difference between the 7 & 9?
  10. I read a review, probably on here, where the M9s seem to have a little less outright grip. Only put the M9s on my Multistrada at the end of September/ early October so have done too few miles to judge. That said, the tyre hasn’t given me any cause to doubt it, given that it has been autumn and the local roads are not at their best nor has it been that warm. In October, I had to ride a 20/25 mile route of mostly national speed limit B roads as part of my IAM Roadsmart Observer assessment and my assessor enjoyed the ride so they aren’t that bad :D Andy
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  11. The SE are more sport, and have only been out a few months. ;)
  12. I am about to try the 01 SE on my DVT early next year
  13. Let’s hope the SE is better than the original :upyeah: look at the shape of this. Sorry it’s a crap pic
  14. What pressure were you using ? Andy
  15. 36 front and rear, high speeds in the alps..... killed them.
  16. Out of curiosity what mileage did you get out of your s22, s super tyre but 2500 km, s on my superduke r how did they fair on the multi?
  17. You’re in for a treat.
  18. S22 game me 1200 miles on the rear and approx 1600 on the front. Wet / dry, never a moment, like riding on bluetac. 20 miles to scrub in and brilliant to the end.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Mmmm, bit low from my experience. I run 39 which once upon a time is what the Metzeler web site recommended. Andy
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  20. 39 in the front :astonished:
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