New not joking

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. EL T would !!!
  2. Could do with putting on some weight :biggrin:
  3. Are her nipples wonky aswell ?
  4. Other than all that shes a real looker
  5. Blimey, the Daily Mail with yet another World-shattering story. How do they do it? :rolleyes:
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  6. El T has :frown:

    How boss eyed is she? :eek:
  7. What a refreshing change from big tits blonde hair fish pout lips and orange make up

    I think she is beautiful and more so because my beautiful niece has the same problem

    If you can't see beyond her difference well that's a sad day
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  8. She looks about 13yrs old. Still a young girl.
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  9. Am I missing something here? She's a reasonably pretty girl but nothing to write home about and some of the pictures on the Mail web site don't do her any favours at all. As Boots said she does look very young, I would not want my daughter going into that world at the age she looks.

    The Mail is reporting down to its usual standard:
    “Crossed eyes occur when a person's eyes don't align” No shit Sherlock!
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  10. I thought El T left all his women looking like that :wink:
  11. Look at Kate Moss .. A lot are found at around 13 ..
    And their looks need to be fairly bland .. Blank canvas to work on..
    It's more about the height and statue to carry off the clothes as that's what they are walking clothes horses.

    Different is good ..
  12. There is hope for me yet!


    Seriously though, good luck to the lass. If this is true it will give confidence to lots of people and not just those who are percived to be beautiful via mags.
  13. Don't girls have to be crosseyed to go anywhere near El Tel in the first place?
  14. slip a couple of cheeky stone on and 749si will be filling your inbox.
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  15. So her eyes are wonky. What's the big deal ? She's a beautiful girl with ambition.
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  16. Are you talking to me? Cos I was looking over there.
  17. I'm a cynic. From a world that is full of 'hey look at me' attention seekers. Ie The Fashion Industry. I get the impression that its a case of 'look how inclusive we are, we employ people with cross eyes'. This is fashion. Currently it is 'fashionable' to have cross eyes? I can't help feeling that this is a tad demeaning to those more ordinary looking with cross eyes. I dunno, i just get the sense that something is wrong morally about this but I cant put my finger on it.

    This is the self same industry that promoted size 0 and that herion addict 'look' and that generally treats its models like cattle. Is a disability now a fashion accessory?

    Plus she must be 14/15. Aren't children allowed to be children anymore?

    I dunno. I must be getting old.
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  18. I guess it shouldn't even cross our radar that she's different

    bit like being black/yellow/fat/thin or god forbid ginger
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