New design Termis for the Panigale. Im not sure about them. Maybe a bit OTT with the carbon?. I think without seeing them on the bike I still prefer the old style, but I may be wrong!?.
Am I getting confused or is the outlet on the front instead of the back? I don't think carbon is a particularly beautiful material in itself, I like the look of nice metal and high quality welds, especially when it has the blue colour that the exhausts get.
Don't think they look quite right fully dressed in carbon, definately prefer the titanium ones too. Here's mine with the carbon end covers.
Saw these photos on the 899 forum earlier, definately look even worse now that ive seen them fitted. But the bike looks great all black with the gold wheels.
Nice images of the Andreani Stand Panigale 1199, As you may be able to tell the rear brake lever is not present, from what we know that Termignoni system was not the finished product as they had to make changes to make it fit correctly but didnt have time before the show fitted the MOTOCORSE rearsets without the lever. So may look slightly diffrent when released but i agree too much carbon.:Banghead:
Forgetting the termi sticker on the can, the pipe work looks a little Akrapovic with the machined pipe joints, better welds and springs with rubber sleeves fitted
They probably made some sort of effort since that bike has been on show. No doubt they will still have crap welds