Newbie From Uk

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Joe Goodson, Apr 6, 2022.

  1. Hello team, thanks for accepting me. My name is Joe and i am from Surrey, UK. Originally from Italy, i had several Ducati in my life, started with a 1996 M600 when i was just 21, sold it and got a 750 at 23 which i kept until i encountered a VERY ATTRACTIVE, yellow M900 big valves where the termis and dry clutch got the better of me. Sold the 750 that same week and reached out to the guy who owned the yellow M900 (it was a 1994 model) and convinced him to sell it to me. Kept the M900 for 4 years and sold it as i had to travel.

    I had in the meantime an 848 in which i had an engine rebuild from the Caracchi brothers (NCR for who is familiar) and only recently, i took a challenge on with a Q plate 900ss that i am trying to slowly give some identity and hopefully bring it back to age related plate.

    Hope that sums it up.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Welcome & bienvenuti :)
  3. Welcome along
  4. Welcome to the forum Joe.:)
  5. Thanks guys, looking forward to stay!
  6. Welcome and enjoy
  7. Welcome along Joe
  8. Welcome into our mad house
  9. Welcome to the forum Joe :upyeah:
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