Next Bike Then?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Oct 12, 2014.

  1. love the Multi, really do, and having used a few times two up now it handles everything great. Except getting on/off and the occasional junction stop (and dont even try filtering!) is a cause for sweats, tights limbs and headaches as I constantkly try and keep the bastard upright on half a foot one side

    So, missus enjoys comng out, now we are empty nesters it will be a lot more, so it will have to go :(

    but WTF next?! All adventure bikes will be the same, I love my speed and making progress and having a bike that can handle everything well.

    So, WTF next?! ZZR1400? Z1000X? Busa (ugliest bike almost on the planet)? Or a XJR classic sports tourer type thing? Hell...R1300????

    :Walkingdead: :Dead: :Hungover:
  2. Gold wing :)
  3. Monster 1200 :)
  4. she wont ride, nor do I want her too tbh, seen her drive ;)

    NOt sure a monster will cut it for distance rides, my hev to try the 1200 version, its fast enough
  5. you're officially on ignore!!!!!!!!
  6. You need to scare her so she has no interest of going pillion again.
    Worked for me.

  7. Awwwww no way :(
  8. Seriously considering buying a Benelli Tornado on March 1st, still some un registered examples kicking about at under six grand....oh temptation.
  9. So may good bike to choose from, my XJR1300 is a great bike and a stock one pulls 130 no problem but totally un faired as you'd know anything over 80 is just hard work, my TDM900 is GREAT I have a custom seat and even a short arse like me can get both feet down, like you I can ride most tall bikes no prob but there are times when it's very handy to pull off those odd little moves that required both feet, like barging through traffic, had Z1000 was a super quick naked and the small screen made good for 100plus but did like to drink fuel unlike the TDM that seems to average 55-60mpg no matter what. Blades are good day to day bike again as you'd know but the newer one just seems to do it all, stick some high bars on one and a nice seat and you have a bike my customers tour on for days, also good in traffic as low and narrow...anyways I'm just dribbling on, if you want a mile eater I rode Stus new ZZR1400 and would have to say its a weapon of mass milage distruction sooooo smooth and easy to ride even though it looks so big, and man Bradders it's FAST!
  10. I know, I know, a Harley
  11. Diavel.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. thinking I'll test a M1200s and a diavel, but know the diavel will be a no. Not enough ground clearance and the rear pegs have a habit of lifting themselvs up, allegedly

    I do like the look of th XJR type bikes Art but good point re higher end speed, I like to crack on. The ZZR is the mile muncher but I wonder if its too fast, too easy...
  13. Get your boots built up then you can keep multi :)
  14. He can't see your posts ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  15. And maybe he already has ;)
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  16. I loved the ZZR1400, never though I would find it so easy to ride, defo all new and improved over older models, mate that thing can cruse at 130+ no problem, if I wanted to eat miles I'd have one, or an FJR.
  17. alas boots that big went outin 1978, even tho some of you may still own a pair or two :Wacky:
  18. FJR 1300
    • Like Like x 1
  19. For riding 2-up, nothing can beat something from the blue and white propeller range... GS12, RT12, K16.
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