Next Project?

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by deleteduser211220, Jun 20, 2015.

  1. Found this in a top floor bedroom.
    • Like Like x 2
  2. Very nice, I will look forward to the progress.
  3. Thanks,I was wondering where Id left it.
  4. F'ck me :Greedy:, thanks for the reminder better have a root around the East Wing tonight sure there's an RC30 and an old Brough collecting dust up there somewhere :)
  5. Starry starry night....:Artist:
  6. Is that more of your inheritance Andy !-)
  7. jammy beesteward
  8. As we say up jorth lucky bastard...looking foward to the build.
  9. As we say up jorth lucky bastard...looking foward to the build.
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