lets strangle the NHS with our back door privatisation plans........oh hang on a minute there is a general election coming up......quick get the few billion out and tell everyone what a great job we are doing!!
Can't help thinking it's time MPs were tested for drugs: Demand for Members of parliament to be drug tested. Starting with George Osborne. | Campaigns by You
The problem with the NHS is that until you have to rely on it for your health its seen as a burden. Truth be told i wouldn't be alive without it and despite its faults it still works most of the time.
Ed Bollocks sorry Balls response is typical of Labour though, after the rest of his party question where Osbourne is going to get the money Billy Bollocks says he'll double whatever Osbourne puts in. FFS it's like a couple of kids.
A strong NHS requires a strong economy and the Eds Red and Balls have no credibility when it comes to running the economy.
Incompetent management and to many managers. Same old story, this country is obsessed with Doctors, medicine etc. A GP earns what, 300k a year?
A GP under the contracts introduced by the Labour Party can earn £130,000 with reduced out of hours callouts, many have gone part time and can still earn £60k; this is one reason why it is so difficult to get to see a GP. The NHS suffers from the basic economic problem which is that whilst demand is infinite supply is limited.
The NHS has a budget in the region of £100 billion so another 2 billion isn't going to make a lot of difference.
Funnily enough it's not just politicians that have private health care. Lots of people have private health care. I do and I've had it through my work for about 30 years. Now ask me if I've ever used it, even when I had a tumour removed from my back?
The NHS is good at major illness and trauma, not so good at the mundane, and that is where private health care performs well, it gets you to see a consultant quickly and at a time time convenient to you.