Nigella Florida Snow snorter or ex hubby revenge

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Nov 27, 2013.

  1. What do you reckon?
    I heard Coke kills your apatite ?
    So if she's a raving daily coke head how does she cook and eat so much stuff!!!

    ( EL Toro ... I await your reply lol)
  2. I'd still tap that rather voluptuous ass!!...
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  3. Maybe she drank too much coke. That makes you chubby :wink:
  4. He's the spiteful bugger,in my opinion.He got busted with his hand round her throat in public ffs?And when she refused to back him up,he gave her the old heave-hoMiserable,nasty git...He might be rich and famous,but he's got no class
  5. I'd hit it.

    Not literally...
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  6. Probably a bit of both. I struggle with the idea he didn't know anything about it though.

    I just don't buy the Nigella brand, it is just too saccharine for my tastes.

    Anyway I thought there were tests for most drugs, doesn't the hair act like a tape recorder ?
  7. Chances are she's had a bit of a bash with cocaine; I should imagine it's fairly commonplace among the circle of people she hangs around in. But then of course it was her husbands trade that made the drug fashionable... And he didn't know..? Pull the other one.

    At the end of the day she probably earns more than him these days. Maybe that's left a bitter taste in his mouth...
  8. I'd leave a bitter taste in her mouth given half a chance!!
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  9. I feel sorry for her regardless if she done drugs or not. FFS, there are plenty of folk still about who lived the day in the 60's and 70's, flowerpower and all that. Plenty Im sure criticising her that are probably sniffing regular.

    As for ppl spilling the beans when they work for high profile employers, pretty low revealing someones private life ( unless it was a disgusting activity ).
  10. I've just heard a bit on the radio about the staff spending her/their money. Sounds like they basically raided the safe and went partying. £685,000 in luxury goods, and one of them was spending over 40 grand a month on her employers' credit card. Scum, and hardly good judges of character...
  11. So who was supposed to be providing the oversight ?
  12. Dont know if she did or didn't and would not criticise her if she has. Nothing to do with anyone other than her family. The old man has motive for being upset with her though so i'd follow that line of enquiry. Yes, pun intended.
  13. who cares?
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  14. certainly no Angel (MOO) - moved in with Saatchi 9 months after the death of husband John Diamond
  15. Turn on your telly once in a while and take a good look at those curves. I bloody care. In all honesty I've been looking at those curves so long I consider myself to be a godparent...
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  16. No surprise if shes a cole head. You'd have to be to be with that arrogant prick
  17. she looks like the michelin man in drag.
  18. :0 it's bitter is it .
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  19. Yep he's a slime ball ...... Tosser to work for I hear
  20. Dont care, would still bang her
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