This is an old one and not something he kept quiet about. He admitted to having teenage groupies when he was in the States, and married his first wife there when she was 15.
At the rate things are going, I wonder if we will be hearing that The Monkees were really rent boys and The Shadows were 'security' for Cynthia Payne's house of fun....... Madness...... AL.
There's going to be loads come out of the woodwork isn't there. Lets face it, and I'm sure there's a lot on here that think the same, half the prepubescent girls in the TOTP audience will probably have had a dabble with the "rich and famous" Let me make it clear.......I am not condoning this kind of behaviour but I'm sure that things will have gone on. People in the public eye seem to have a distorted view of reality and what's acceptable and what's unacceptable.
They just said on Sky News looking at a ring now . Also that it was known for years about Jimmy just that every time it was going to come to light he would say that he would with hold money from his charitable givings. They said he was scheming and manipulating . I'm stunned about John Peel !
Would that be a victim's or an offender's? I know forensic guys are brilliant but they surely wouldn't be able to find any evidence in there after all this time....... AL
I've heard Freddie Star's name banded around, but its all lots of hearsay and rumour. Most of it malicious. I'm pretty sure you could point a finger at any 'entertainer' from the Seventies/Eighties, in any organisation and none of them would be squeaky clean. I'm sure they've all touched something they shouldn't have at some point. Now whether it was with the underaged is another matter. It it was, expect reports across most UK networks by the end of the year, closely followed by disclaimers from the employers and statements from the Police (no not Gordon Sumner)
How many of us could get away with saying we are victims from TOTP years ago? There are plenty of us that are old enough....... ................but I wonder how many of us would admit to dancing like twats in front of MUD, SWEET and the FLYING PICKETS..... AL.
QED.......but some twats did..... Oh alright then, SHOWADDYWADDY. Or.............oh b*llox, I'm really showing my age now..... AL.
I don't even have to play that video......I saw them the first time round....I reckon before even your Mum was a twinkle in someone's eye!! ....and it was crap then and it still is. AL