I'm going in for spinal surgery today. My disc collapsed into my spinal cord and then they found a big cavity where no spinal fluid was getting through at all . That bit can't be fixed. So I started dropping stuff and dead arms and leg and stabbing pain down my arms. Due to the 2 things paralysis was likely to happen as fluid was not getting through much at all. Hey can take out crap bit and fuse my neck with bone graft and titanium cage ... ( more ti then my bike ). But the cavity has got longer down the cord so all they can do is watch it I guess . Cacking my pants today not slept all night . Going to go mental with no bike and daytime TV ... PleAse cross every thing for me as have been jinxed in 2013 .. Melanie Roll on summer !
Hope it all goes well for you! At least the Winter Olympics on tv may provide a diversion for a couple of weeks.
All will go well , you will recover and be back in the saddle , remember after the op every day is another day closer to full fitness. Pete.
Cupboard woman next door has been in the cupboard by me banging door 11 times in an hour and has a fan that squeals on.... I know how Karl Pilkinton feels now . I'm going to watch Breaking Bad ..