No Sh*t Sherlock

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Char, Mar 7, 2013.

    • Like Like x 2
  1. Mmmmmm bacon....................dribble...dribble :upyeah:
  2. That lovely salami there yum yum.
  3. I have just had a Spam sandwich (I said SPAM, not SP.....)............


  4. What about mystery meat?
    Oh hang on that's what we have been eating for at least a year ;)
  5. Eat food: die early. Don't eat food: die even earlier. Go figure :tongue:
  6. whats that?

    a ghost with his cock hanging out??
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  7. humans, like most other mammals have evolved to eat meat. Fact. This is why we have canine teeth and incisors, not to mention large brains and forward facing eyes (like all other hunters)..males have poorer peripheral vision than females-this is why women dont need to swivel their heads around like an owl when they see some ass they like.....however, males have better binocular forward vision-able to better judge distance and speed (spacial awareness)...
    the fossils and bones of dead animals give information about diet, and the evidence says that apart from the above, meat eaters have deeper channels in their bones for the attachment of tendons, ie theyre more muscular than prey animals...prey mammals have their eyes located more to the sides of the head for better 360 degree vision (horses, rabbits, cows etc)..
    Also predators have deeper eye sockets to protect the eyes when in the heat of an eagle to a pigeon for example. herbivores also have a more complex gut (often several stomachs) to digest plant matter, and a feature of these animals are their large bellies, omnivores and particularly carnivores have smaller bellies...
    A human is an omnivore, and as such has all of the natural adaptations one would expect...teeth for cutting, and tearing, and flatter molars to grind and chew...a carnivore has virtually no molars as they barely chew meat, more or less swallowing it whole..(even after 30,000 yrs of domestication, your little pooch displays these characteristics, and will trough down food)..
    As a result of natural selection, a human finds high calorie fatty food the most attractive, as this is the food sources that would have provided better nutrition when we didnt know where the meal would come from..the down side to this of course, is today we have Haagen Daas..
    Humans are the great generalists..we dont excel at any one thing..running, swimming, climbing..but we can do a bit of everything and eat almost anything...this was the key to our survival and allowed to grown bigger and bigger brains...working in teams we were/able to make tools, weapons, communicate and exponentially develop though our social development....we hunt in teams, live in groups and feel lonely eating alone in the evenings..we even tend to prefer soft evening light of warm colours....nice lamps on the sideboard.. rather than overhead white light in the evenings...a throw back to the days of sitting around a fire...
    in modern society where meat is plentiful we (humans) now face problems from over consumption of meat-high cholesterol, fat, IBS and such like..back in the day, we would have eaten 75% vegetation whether it be berries, fruit or bread processed from grain...
    Ever seen when archeologists did up a prehistoric man or Roman Centurion?? They almost always have virtually no tooth decay and most have a full set of good teeth....thats sugar for you.
    Thats why a balanced diet is 5 fruit and veggies a day with a small amount of meat protein..
    A veggie diet, or worse, a vegan diet (which is totally unnatural and usually requires the ingestion of highly processed foods) results in numerous illnesses- anemia and so on..veggies need to pay closer attention to what they eat regarding their sources of protein..the highest sources of protein come from animals..eggs, meat, poultry and fish...vegetable protein is much poorer in quality.
    We never evolved to eat processed shite whatever that may be, and eating said shite is a lottery as to what youre actually ingesting..i think weve all learnt that lesson.
    #8 funkyrimpler, Mar 8, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2013
  8. Funky you are a mind of information
    I do like educating myself by reading them
    :) I bet your fun on a date
  9. yes im hung like a amusing, if not a little crass or distasteful expression..the origin of which dates back to the magna carta, where it was alledged that on the battlefield at.........
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Quiet day then Si?

  11. Funkypinata????

  12. funky - the bloke you parents warned you about - either that or your best mates dodgy uncle
  13. :-D
    #17 El Toro, Mar 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
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