Nog update

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by JerryXt, Oct 2, 2012.

  1. Chaps, I promised to keep you informed of Davids progress. I had a letter from him this morning. Unfortunately, I have no clearer idea of when he's likely to be out. Let's hope it's not too long.

    He's in better spirits lately and is really pleased to hear that people here are thinking of him. He feels that he has let people down by not being around or not getting back to their questions, but there it is. He's asked me to forward any letters you might want to write to him. David has few close family members in this country and clearly, he can't see the internet and can't see what people are up to, so if you want to write, please pm me and I'll send along your thoughts again!
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  2. Thanks Jerry.....
  3. Jerry did you ask if his plants need feeding and pets watering?
  4. Hope he comes back soon. A man with a lot of knowledge and experience as him is sorely missed on this site.
  5. Thanks Jerry, so pleased to hear he is getting better. I look forward to seeing posts from him when he's back and fully fit. Chris
  6. Jerry, tried to send pm but your inbox is full.
  7. As long as Nog's inbox aint full , then he will probably be ok. :upyeah:
  8. He's a top guy, let's hope he's back with us soon, give him my best :upyeah:
  9. Do you think he will still be ginger when he comes out? :biggrin:
    • Like Like x 1
  10. will clear out my inbox asap. This will probably mean that I'll lose peoples contact information, so bear with me : )
  11. I must have missed something - I hope Nog is on the mend. Can some one pm me with brief details or provide link to original thread. Cheers
  12. Hhh, I posted the original thread in the general discussion. It was because I had a service booked with him and couldn't contact him in the week leading up to it. Nobody on here could get hold of him for quite a while and it appears he's been quite ill. Jerryxt has since been in contact and may be able to give you more info. Chris
    #12 Archer17, Oct 4, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2012
  13. Hi Jerry,
    Send my best wish's to David.

  14. Please tell him his chicken soup is getting cold.
  15. Send my best wishes to him too plz - didn't know he'd been ill
  16. Send him all my good wishes please
  17. Being a Duc newbie I don't know Nog. But say GWS from me too please.
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