I have noise coming from the tank - even when the bike is cool - like a miniature french horn every so often lol Its obviously gassing off / venting but I am worried it might not be venting properly and may implode under pressure? What can be checked and I assume that I can clear the vent but not sure exactly where and how?
Does the bike run correctly, especially under high fuel demand ? Try opening the fuel cap when you can hear the noise and see if the condition changes.
Yep runs fine - has done it since i got it mind in November - will try as you suggest but can say when i open the fuel cap i dont get a 'whoosh' so a bit reassured by that..
I asked because if you had a split in the internal fuel lines i would expect that there is less than full pressure available for the injectors. If that were true you would not get full performance at full throttle. Must add that i don't know first hand what sound a split fuel line makes !
Thanks Have done a bit of googling and it appears not uncommon - apparently vents from the rubber grommet in the filler cap itself Not sure why it would be unique to ST though - my 748 for example doesnt do it and it has the same filler cap and presumeably vent arrangement?