They go for this in a big way on he continent. Saw a GSXR1000, GS1200 and Moto Guzzi Norge with this huge wheel set up with an outfit on my travels this year. Very strange....
Oh dear, looks to me like a supermodel that's been beheaded! I can't stand to look at it so I'm off.:Yuck::Yuck::Yuck:
I'd have at least chosen a comfy motorcycle to create an outfit from. This has none of the benefits and all of the drawbacks. Whilst I admire the daring of it, the practicality is questionable. Unless of course it was done for a laugh, in which case fair play.
with the OPs pic, at 'decent' speeds, do you reckon the sidecar would generate enough lift to take off...? its an interesting wing type front to it - surely would generate decent lift.