Not Another E-bay Fraudster?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Jul 13, 2014.

  1. Ooh,Id best get in quick!
  2. Looks like he is having a bit of a clear out.
  3. Just had another look,I quite fancy the bentley.
  4. I've reported this joker about 10 times over the last month, as have others and Ebay do sod all about it, bastards!
  5. Like all faceless businesses, they just want your money!
  6. Looks like he is branching out into plant and machinery as well now. No doubt he will be shut down again eventually, eBay are doing well out of him!!

    He has 63 followers!
  7. i don't see the problem , hes selling first class machinery at fantastic prices ,much better than a dealer,whats not to like?
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