Not Really A Newbie, More An Oldie.....

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Bourney1, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. I only discovered Ducati Forum UK a few months ago but I recognise a lot of members from the previous forum known as Ducatisti. I was converted to Ducati bikes in 1999, I bought a 748 Biposto after having multi cylinder Japanese bikes throughout the years. I now own a 1098 (with quite a few mods to it) and recently bought a 1994 750ss which I intend to convert into a café racer style bike using a Walt Siegl frame, tank, seat unit which are on order and due to collect in this space......
  2. Really funny the post came up with a Japan flag (currently where I am at this moment in time!)
  3. Hi and welcome to the forum :)
  4. welcome now share the wealth.
  5. The flag signifies where the server your ISP is using is. Big Brother is watching you ;)

    And welcome Dave :)
  6. Help and welcome into the mad house newbie oldie

    Awww you can't kill the SS :(

    Are they red :Angelic::Muted:
  7. Thank you and yes they are both red :)
    • Love You Love You x 1
  8. As for the SS, I wouldn't say I was killing it think of it more like the heart will still be an SS but clothed in a different body!
  9. welcome - love cafe racers

  10. I can't it's too painful
    I'm a fan of the original
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