Notice To Appear

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Carlos Fandango, May 15, 2014.

  1. Anyone else suffering from fricking hundreds of these scam emails with a zip file attachment.

    Even if you block the sender they keep coming, I'd love to track these scamming arsoles down and shoot them in the dick.
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  2. loads of 'em recently - I've never been as popular since I stopped doin' karaoke
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  3. Me Too ????? same email not karaokeeeeeeeeee:p
  4. Ive had some- i am assuming its fruit based spam - Notice to a pear....
  5. Blocking spoofed addresses won't help, not had any myself I guess most mail systems such as gmail are pretty good at filtering crap now
  6. Haven't had any on my gmail account it's our business IMAP accounts that's being swamped
  7. This is just one hours worth, bastards

  8. Filter by subject line if they are all the same. I filter things like that straight into the bin
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Shed loads, but they all go into spam folder.
  10. So get some decent anti-spam/malware/virus software or better still an appliance at the front end for all incoming (and outbound) traffic, kill the issue there before it gets to the mail server.
  11. I ignore anything that's got spelling mistakes or grammatical errors in the subject line or the first line of text. These are just a new version of the old bank account e-mail scams; obviously everyone has caught on to those now so the perpetrators have just switched to a new scam. Spammer and scammers should all be taken out and shot…
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  12. That's a bit harsh. :eek:

    Maybe just chop their hands off so they can't type :upyeah:
  13. I get lots for penis enlargement pills....Unfortunately it appears they've been forwarded on to me by my girlfriend...:Woot:
  14. Or just cut their bollox off so they can't breed and create another generation of scammers...
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