Now that the weather has turned to autumn

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Oct 15, 2013.

  1. How long will it take for people to get really grumpy and irritable and start abusing each other on here? :smile:
  2. Oh piss off
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  3. I'm hurt :frown:
  4. OCD's will be the first
  5. I'm already grumpy and irritable so no change there!... :tongue:
  6. i am only grumpy when at work, witch is 24/7 the now.
  7. You lot need to man up and get out.
    As Ranulph Fiennes once said " there is no such thing as bad weather..... just bad clothing ":biggrin:
  8. I'm grumpy because I've got a bloody chest infection, which has me coughing chunks at random times, but particularly when I'm trying to sleep, hence no sleep and therefore rather irritable! Top it off with crap weather, roads getting covered in farm debris means the bike is in the shed and probably going to stay there till next year!!!!
  9. bollox.been frosty here did the all year round thing when i was an apprentice,if i wasnt frozen i was in an ambulance.:smile:
  10. I didn't know we had stopped abusing each other
  11. On the bike today at the office. Then of to box for some coffee
  12. but we have secret santa to look forward to

    hate Christmas but do like a surprise parcel :wink:
  13. Can handle the cold but that low grey sky really fucks with my head. I can feel the fuck off world and every piss ant on it mist coming in.
  14. Twerk off, I'm out for a ride on the 916 this aft!"

  15. 3/10
  16. No , bit earlier than that , about 10 past 1.
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  17. nobody's on here's got the wit, intelligence or patience to wind me up.
  18. Dam right Im grumpy and thats because I hate people and that coupled with the fact its nearly winter and Im having christmas shit rammed down my neck everywhere I look is not helping. Grey and dull is all I see and the rest of the population that match that description. Please please I want a shed in the middle of fucknowswhere which no one can get too and its impossible to get a phone signal. That way I would not have to deal with anyone and no one would bother me. I dont even want a TV cause thats endless crap too.

    Anyway luv ya all ;)

  19. Cheese and whiskers , are you thinking what I am thinking B2, I think so B1.......
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