Nowt to do with bikes but I'm prob. selling this bit of kit. So.........

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Wrecked, Aug 23, 2013.

  1. ........ Anyone got knowlege on what it's worth? - Someone told me last week I should be asking £200. (???)

    It's a 1930s radiogram in full working order along with around 200 78s (some being one-sided).

    It's quite small as with lid closed it measures 34" H / 20" W / 14" D


  2. Can I plug my ipod into it?
  3. Has it got valves that glow? Well worth £200 but what do I know.

  4. Give us £20 and I'll take it off your hands :biggrin:
  5. Moved to the last millennium. :wink:
  6. My grandma would've loved it but she died thirty years ago
  7. nice bit of kit its finding the right type of collector
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