
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ghost Rider, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. it would need to be a fecking big fish to bite my massive testicles :upyeah:
  2. I thought the photo in the article was a picture of Sarah Jessica Parker :wink: :biggrin:
  3. Hahahaha "diet consists of nuts".

    Pacu are ace when they are huge.

    Blue Planet aquarium in Cheshire have an amazing display.

    Good day out for the kids!
  4. if there anything like my wife thay will expect them to be washed first, ffs wumin.
  5. Im sure if they wanted to take a chunk out of anybody swimming, they wouldn't be picky. Typical Daily Mail shock headline. Im surprised they didn't drop the word 'gay' in there somewhere too
  6. Thought this would be you reporting a squirrel invasion/glut!
  7. Lol!!!!!! Or Princess Diana or pacu bite cures all known ailments NHS wonder in a Fish tank!!!
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