Hi gents I'm modding my bike trailer and putting and aluminium base on it and I'm using 10mm bolts to hold it down now do I use nylock nuts or a spring washer and a normal nut?? The nuts are going to be underneath so not going to see um.
I have to work on trailers on a day to day basis....Use normal washers and nylock nuts. Nylock nuts are just the modern version of using a spring washer and a normal nut, but I’m sure you know this anyways. Nylock nuts will not loosen or come undone. So bolt, washer then the floor, then washer and nylock but on the other side....
Normal washers and nylock nuts. I used normal nuts and spring washers on the floor boards of my old Lambretta. After a week I found about half of them missing. I then used nylock nuts and never had an issue again. The beauty of a nylock nut is that, even if it loosens slightly, it's unlikely to fully undo and fall off. Once a regular nut loosens, it will just vibrate its way along the thread and into the road.
I’ve used both on my Trailers with no issues whatsoever. You can’t go wrong with either. Use generous quantities of loctite for even better results.
Defence industry - nylock without extra washers. Single use only. Once undone, discard nylock nut & renew. No nuts & spring washers. Used on my bikes where possible ever since and no issues. Didn’t go as far as single use though and nothing has fallen off so far!
Them's the rear bits, the front is referred to as 'leg shields' Anyway, I changed over to nylocks on both
Reminds me of a time when I took my Alfa 75 in to Mangoletsi in Cheshire for a new exhaust front to back. In their wisdom they used ny-loc nuts to secure the manifold to the head! You can guess what happened on the M1 and what it sounded like!
I agree about not using spring/cut washers with nyloc nuts - I have years of experience seeing the damage caused to the bolt/stud threads. Besides, why use two 'locking devices' when one will do?
Theres another type of nut that i use which is stainless (the ones im using are anyway) and the locking part is built into the head of the nut (im at work so ive not got a pic) so you can use them on exhausts for example...