916 Oberon Clutch Slave Cylinder Fitting.

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by yellowducmaniac, Aug 24, 2022.

  1. Just ordered one of them Oberon clutch slaves for my 916, i'm gonna try and fit it myself, anything i should be aware of before i start?, ie. how easy will it be to bleed when fitted etc...advice welcomed thanks.
  2. I fitted one to my 899 and if you follow the instructions that come with it it will go very smoothly.
  3. The length of the clutch operating rod changed, IMMSMW, in 1997. Your Oberon kit should include a small metal cylinder that goes into the slave cylinder first if your bike predates the length change. Andy
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  4. I have fitted two of these recently and as mentioned the rod length needs to be checked, but both of mine needed the extender piece. One thing to be careful of is the dowty washers that are supplied with it, these can leak and best to use original copper washers. Bleeding can be an issue, I would clamp your original hose (unless it's braided) before removing the old cylinder and pre-fill the new cylinder before fitting the hose to it. If still no lever, I have tried either a syringe on the bleed nipple to create a vacuum or back bleed from slave cylinder back up to master cylinder .... be careful with fluid coming out of top though.

    One on and done though these are fantastic, nice light modern feel to the lever, proper job!
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  5. Great product and easy to fit and bleed. It shouldnt give you too much trouble tbh. You may need to remove sprocket cover too. I also remove gear selector from spline (once location marked) just to make more room. Its not necessary though.
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  6. Fitted it today, couldn't be easier and no issues with bleeding, so easy I almost thought I had missed something...lol.

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  7. Question - if it fits the 916 from '94-98 then it should fit a '97 748, right?
    Their fitment list only mentions 748 from 2000-2002... :confused:
  8. Not sure ,but i am sure others on here will know :upyeah:
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