So as we know all sales are final and binding on eBay should I complain seeing that their system did accept my bid as the highest one (it will not let you bid lower amount)
If you're the second place bid, it's because you bid the same amount, but after the other guy. He wins as he bid a fiver before you.
Would make sense. Except he apparently bid fiver 1 minute before end of auction but it was never posted on the website. At the same time website accepted my bid without informing me I was outbid. That is the odd bit. If you use automatic bidding then if someone outbids your current bid (his hidden automatic bid was £4.20) then automatic system should outbid your bid not match it. It never matches it. Try it, outbid someone and you will see his automatic bid will outbid yours not match it. It stinks of system error to me.
I think the winning bidder placed a max bid of £5.00 when the price was below that amount. When you bid £5.00 his bid automatically increased to £5.00. if £5.00 was their max bid then if you had bid £5.01 you would have won the auction. If their max bid was more then they would win at £5.01. I always add .01 to any of my bids and have won many an auction because of the £0.01. Hope this make sense.
In that case wouldn't it ask luka to place a bid of £5.20 or above.? If £5 had already been accepted. Steve
You misunderstand, if Luca had put a bid of £5.01 early on in the auction, then another person bid £5 later, it wouldn't ask you to bid £5.20 because your maximum bid was already higher than the next highest bid. It will only ask you to bid the extra 20p if you haven't already bid higher.
If you bid right at the death of the auction (like a snipe) then there is no opportunity for any further bids. That's my guess at what happened.
If you bid before they bid and your bid is the same as their bid then they bid higher because of your bid your bid should automatically announce that you've been out bid but if their bid is a snipe bid then you don't get to bid again but if their bid is stronger than your bid or their bid is the highest first bid then that over rules your bid but if you then bid higher than their bid your bid should be the winning bid but if the bid is placed technically at the same time as the bid they place then who's bid is right. Conversely bidding a bid at £5 is known as bid suicide as they then out bid you by 0.01p they then have then highest bid and you need to up your bid, but bidding will need to increase by more than 0.01p so bid away safe in the knowledge that your bid is strongest except of course when it isn't or when a snipe bid is placed. Or if your bid is not accepted or your bid is rejected by a unhappy seller. So my friend bid up bid big Don't take a chance on a snipe For just 19 pence your bid would have won And been the highest winningest baddest mo fo bid of all. And that is ebays official bidding policy.