Oh balls - mag swingarm - small hub big hub

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by Cranker V2, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. Damn blast bolloocks. After sweating my arse of working for months on a crap project I finally get time to get in the workshop and start building the 7/11 yellow shed. Frame out on the bench, mag triple clamps all go on the new frame fine, same as all the little ancillary bits. Time to trial fit the mag swingarm. All new spacers fit fine (749r ones!) andnew bearing in the hub. DOH!!!!!!



    its a fuckin big hub swingarm!!!!! AndI only have small hub. BOLLOCKS BOLLOCKS BOLLOCKS.

    How could I be so stupid!

    So, any one got a big hub lying around or does anyone want a 916/996/998 big hub swingarm?
  2. Mike, don't panick!
    Unsure if it would work but I could make you a sleeve to reduce the big bore down for the small hub.

    Similar to sleeving small forks into larger yokes.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. I was thinking about that just now, it may work.
  4. If you could give me some measurements, I'll make one up. it's worth a go as there is nothing to loose. Unless you can get a bigger hub.
  5. I will work on a DWG this weekend, hand balled as I have never got to grips with CAD so far
  6. OK, 1st or 3rd angle projection?:biggrin:
  7. Right, going for the simple approach with no eccentricity. ID 98mm OD 106mm length 80.5mm. The idea is to heat shrink this onto the existing hub and us a bit of bearing lock to. The wall thickness is a concern, as that isnt the easiest of cuts.
  8. That will be no problem for the wall thickness.

    Mike, would you be able to send me the hub? and I will fit the sleeve to it. it makes it easier to get the sleeve to the correct tolerance.

    As a thought, is the small hub/spindle the same width as the big arm?
  9. i would contact target motorsports……….they always have them advertised….
  10. big hub axle is bigger, needs an alternative wheel too! I will post on Monday , hugs n kisses!

  11. Get a room!!

    nice one.

  12. yes they advertised the bigger hub recently…….and bungi has a 10 spoke rear wheel advertised………to fit the bigger hub...
  13. He'll need to find three wheels: wet, dry and fuck I've smashed another!
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  14. its a good job I dont have a day job currently, i have so much to do to get this bike built. I will be picking up the 1198 motor this week too, and buying more wheels was not really in the budget (especially for a doley)

  15. you are on the dole…………might have to revisit my contact with you then…….:upyeah:
  16. He's been on the dole for years...and that blue badge comes in proper handy...
  17. Andy, please don't raise the monthly fees I pay you. I cant afford to pay you off too at the moment.
    #17 Cranker V2, Mar 8, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2014

  18. oh and thanks for that information the other day on dodgy doormen...
  19. Mike, got the hub today. You could've packed it better! :biggrin:

    Do you want the outside of the sleeve to mimic that of the original? i.e. to have the relief in the centre.
  20. Oops, was my emergency packaging a bit awry? As your the machinist I will leave the details to you. Have you got a paypal account too?

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