Ohlins Fg43 65mm Caliper Adapter Plates

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by kev cornwall, May 14, 2015.

  1. wanted a set of 65mm adapter plates to fit ohlins fg43 r&t forks, to fit 65mm calipers, 2 bolt to fork leg , ta kev
  2. That's a shame. I know where there are the 6 bolt ones.
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  3. i expect BBB fabs can make me up some, just thought id see if anyone had some going spare
  4. hi steve, yes going on the TT2 rep along with other goodies, steve Bs ok, been busy extending his workshop , got quite alot on this year bike & scooter related so giving to TT a miss, however much i would like to go ( appeasing women ) , going to DOCUK weekend in charmouth, weekend after i think
  5. couple of pics, at Mr Bs , sat in its new TT frame and one with new alloy tank, just finished by TAB

    new frame tt2.jpg

    tt2 tank new.jpg
  6. harris might make you up some
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  7. i have some laying.
    both the 40 and 65 came with my FG43 i use the 40 on my 888.
    ony thing is that i not exactly know where i placed the others,gonna have a look if i can find them.

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  8. cheers Henk, would be great if you have some, my 40s available also, ta kev
  9. i have not found them yet.
    i think they gonna be at my attic and that place is laying full.
    want be easy to find them in there.

  10. thanks Henk, thanks for looking, i have had no luck locating a pair unfortunately : (
  11. So as funcatronic suggested cant Harris make some up.I got a 6 bolt pattern radial set for ohlins fg43's off them in about three weeks a while back.
  12. As far as I know Harris wasn't making the brackets anymore. When was yours made?
  13. Its was a few yrs back now but thought they would just make to order as they didn't have those brackets I needed in stock.
  14. @final_edition that might have been for the 2 bolt radials mounts andy

    they often have odd bits kicking around the race van (so it doesnt hurt to ask)
  15. I know that Ohlins don't supply any brackets for the older r n t's. When Harris were asked last year they couldn't help.

    I think the 40mm brackets and billet race Brembo's look the best :)
  16. cheers guys, food for thought, just thought id see if i could get the proper ones, else get steve B to fab me some up, nearly ready for them now so 2nd option might be on the cards, cheers kev
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