Is this only on the 899? I've put in my details from the shock on my 1199 and it keeps saying serial number is invalid.
Can't even see the numbers on my new TTX shock, going to have to remove several bits of the bike yet again to have a look. I presume the numbers are on the top of the shock? Will Ohlins reimburse for labour costs ?
I can't find mine either. However as it's been used about 1,000,000 times on track I'm not convinced it's going to explode just because they've found an issue somewhere.
Just inputted the numbers on the top of my shock on the Ohlins website: ou9110 130475 computer say's Part number invalid. ffs
Thanks Niven I have been phoning around a few Ohlins dealers and that's what I have been told, that the number is DU, not as I wrote-OU, tricky to see well as it's in an inaccessible place! However, now have inputted the numbers using the DU prefix, and it still comes up with invalid part number!
Just been speaking with P&H motorcycle dealer in Sussex. He has checked my numbers and said the recall is not applicable to my shock. He also told me that those affected would had to have the shock removed at owners expense, and then an Ohlins dealer would deal with everything else.
If bike was under warranty or possibly not even still under warranty I would have thought that it would have been at Ducati / Ohlins expense....It's certainly not the fault of the purchaser that a manufacturing defect has come to the fore.
Ohlins shod Ducatis,ie standard Ohlins fitted from the factory then Ducati would do the recall,this seems to be for aftermarket Ohlins rear shocks,my ttxgp is a dodgy one,filled the on line form in a couple of days ago and not heard a thing as yet.
Well just a quick update on this recall. My shock by Ohlins was not affected by this fault until today. Dropped my TTX off at a suspension specialist after noticing clucking and knocking from the unit, it had indeed done some 18000 miles so was due a rebuild anyway. Got a call from the people doing it and I was lucky, I think someone was looking down from above as it fell apart when the spring was released. He was in such shock as never seen in his 53 years of building shocks, the retaining nut was on it's last thread, another ride and it would have collapsed!! I am going to contact Ohlins letting them know because clearly this fault could have affected a lot more units and it's only right they should check their records because this could cause a fatalality . Anyway I have decided that the shock is not for me and have bought a custom built unit from another manufacturer.
Mine was listed as a recall,but after filling in the online form they said it was ok,sold the shock on a few weeks ago and had it serviced for my piece of mind and the new owner's,the fault is the piston rod bolt was not torqued up correctly and could work loose,mine was ok,i would recommend any one with a ttx shock to get it serviced as its more than likely due one anyway.
Hmmm, the damper bracket looks suspiciously like the one fitted to my after market Ohlins damper I bought for the Streetfighter. I suppose I'll have to check tomorrow.
Checked my steering damper today. It is affected :Nailbiting:. Cheers @burndownthediscos I'd never have seen this otherwise.