1260 Oil Breather Hose - Correct Side Of The Clamp/bolt

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by SuzaFan, Jan 26, 2020.

  1. Hi all,

    I had some service done on my Multi and noticed that clamp on the oil breather hose was turned around compared to how it was when the bike was new.
    Reason for the service was the oil leak around that hose...
    Can someone please check on his and tell me which way it should be (I would like to have it "factory way :innocent: )
    There are 3 pictures below, on one there is bolt coming from left side (when bike was new), on the other, bolt coming from the right side (after service)…
    So maybe it was mounted wrong in the factory and now it was corrected, but maybe it is other way around...

    Thanx a lot in advance


  2. Mine has the bolt on the left and has never leaked in 24K miles.
  3. It doesn't matter which way :thinkingface:
  4. Hi,

    thanx for answering.
    I would say that it is more logical on the left, visually and it is more accessible with the screwdriver.

  5. If it's not leaking, leave it alone.
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