After my first go at stripping the bike for a service, it all went back together, and I have no bits left over ... sort of. The clutch slave cylinder started leaking, and this was the push to get me to do the rest of the maintenance. Oberon slave cylinder, K&N Airfilter, Exact battery leads and while I was there, engine oil and filter. The bike to new to me, has a good service history, but nothing that told me basics, such as the brake fluids had been done (I did those a month or so back) All done, back together and running nicely, but here are the questions. The manual says 4.2 litres of oil. I measured out 4.2 and used this to fill the oil filter and put the rest in the engine. When I checked the sight glass, it was full, so after a bit of pondering, I drained about a litre out rather than start it overfilled. The sight glass drained as soon as I started the bike, so after a short run on the stand, I left it for 10 minutes and then added oil until it was at the top mark of the sight glass. I started the bike again and checked the level again. All good. I have about 300mm of oil I didn't need. Is this normal? The book definitely says 4.2 litres, and I left it to drain while dealing with the copious amounts of sealant the previous owner had used on the screen plate, so I don't think there was much in the engine. Any thoughts? Second question .... How does this fit please?
Doesn't matter that you had some left. As long as it is at the correct level that is all that matters.
I'm on the same page. A longer run would be good, but it is damp, cold and miserable outside for the next few days. I'll check it again after that. I was just puzzled. 3.9 litres rather than 4.2 from totally empty. Strange
The wire piece is from the lower part of the engine at the front and above the sump guard, fits on a bolt down there and is a holder / guide for the overflow / breather pipes
It's surprising how much oil remains in the oil cooler and associated pipework when you drain the oil, which may well explain the quantity discrepancy. The oil should be checked with the engine hot, think the handbook suggests to do this after a ride, not just running it up on the stand, can't blame you for not going out is this weather though. As long as the level is between the 2 lines it's fine, worth checking regularly as some engines do use a bit of oil.
Apologies, I stand corrected, I was of course referring to the 1260 engine which bizarrely, is checked when warm