Went to garage to take the monster as wanted to go to Brighton on it tomorrow. Well that is it I am done anyone wants to by FCR's. Bloody things yet again dumped all 20l of petrol in to the engine and it's surroundings!! Last time I caught it doing that so drained all fluids from engine, replaced oil, done 600 miles, replaced oil and all good. This time it sat there for 2 weeks with oil/petrol mix in engine. Am I assuming correctly that now I need bottom end rebuild? I mean how much damage to bearings/seals did that do? Never again FCR on bike with no petrol return and vacuum pump. FCR's will come with throttle assembly, alloy stacks for air-box and blue plastic velocity stacks if you want to ditch air-box. Anyone interested drop me a PM with price offer. When they work boy do they work but they just cannot survive day to day use I subject them to so loose all settings every 2k-3k miles with no warning creating funny side-effects.
Excuse me for displaying my ignorance - but, as I am assuming that you haven't got a Flat Coated Retriever fixed to your bike, what are FCR's ? Also, if you are loosing fuel into the engine, are you sure that it is not the vacuum fuel tap that is defective ? A mate of mine had this happen a while ago on a CBX550 - turned out the rubber diaphragm in the fuel tap was perished, allowing fuel back down the vacuum suction pipe... Just a thought...
No as that would not stop them doing that and flooding getting me stranded half way through to somewhere. The bike was fine 2 weeks ago. Parked it up came today and this happened. Last time was 3 months ago I was 10 miles from home then so nursed it there and fixed it.
Luca, you've got my suympathies, I got mine on the bench at the mo, I've replaced mixture screw and o-ring, new float seats and new float needles. They're going back on the bike for saturday as it's getting rolling road setup on monday - I'll let you know how it goes, and what they find. which reminds me, I need an oil change after the last time it shart itself like yours