old twat returns to ducati yet again

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by gregotch, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. hi,not good at tinterweb stuff so bear with me if i feck up.tinterweb,technology and being 56yrs old arent a great mix for me.

    my stay here will mainly consist of lots of reading,searching and asking the odd pointless question i imagine.:smile:

    Returning to ducati after recently getting an st2,having previously visited a 900ss and before that a parts bin 750s.

    have had lots of other makes/models/heaps in between during my 40yrs of bikes, though my main likes were older triumph triples mainly.

    so hello to everyone here.:upyeah:
    atb greg.
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  2. Alright Dave? :smile:
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  3. alright trigger,hows it going..
  4. Welcome fella, sounds like your background is the same as mine, but your only a youngster.:upyeah:
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  5. My dog has no nose.
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  6. thanks super g :cool:

    so how d.... no not doing bad jokes.. heheh
  7. Well how does it smell then.? Come on we all know the answer.:rolleyes:
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  8. I hadn't thought that far ahead.
  9. Welcome. I'm new(ish) also. 55 and back with Dukes after 15 years.
    Never too late!
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  10. I haven't even got a dog.
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  11. hola
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  12. Ola!... Best stick a finger up its ass! That would stop it smelling!
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  13. This forum is by far the best for welcoming new members.:upyeah:
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  14. How do youngster !
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  15. Hello and welcome!
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  16. how do
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  17. 56? What do you mean "old"!
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  18. old if youve worked as a heavy labourer-quarryman all your life then,everything is worn out,creaks,rattles or doesnt work at all .still going but needs tender care.

    much like my ducati actually,we make a fine pair

    plus after being laid off 5mnths ago and replaced with a 20yr old,i find every time i apply for a job,56yrs old is definately a nono for employers.look on their faces when i turn up for interveiws says it all.

    plus im starting to grumble a lot lmao.
  19. 61 still riding a 748 and working on a building site as a joiner, tomorrow timbering a roof, (possibly in the snow). Come on your not old, unless you believe it yourself!!!
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  20. Same here-too many job apps which have wanted date if birth or full employment history with starting dates, resulting in zilch lead me to agree that silver hair or work starting in the 70s is a big negative in job hunting. I've been trying for 30 months now...
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