Oh no! Bad news indeed. He first made me piss myself laughing when being one of The Dangerous Brothers. - is there a button that dislikes dislikes?
Sorry to break the news to you @MrAliT Rick Mayall was a foundation stone of my youth. I can quote multiple lines from everything from Kevin Turvey, Dangerous Brothers, Bottom etc. The live shows nearly had me in hospital with a heart attack I laughed so hard. I will miss him terribly yet remember him fondly. Sad news but our office is rocking to various Rick quotes such was the esteem the guy was held in.
I was riding home today and had a Young Ones scene going on in my head. This is weird and very sad. RIP Rik
I wactched a couple of Bottom episodes on NetFlix recently - it's still funny. We mustn't forget Alan B'Stard either. A great loss, and I think he survived a bike crash of sorts (Quad bike?) some years ago too.