Omg Rick Mayall Has Passed Away

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bootsam, Jun 9, 2014.

  1. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    RIP Rick. You were a very funny man. No more Bottom live shows. :(
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  2. no way! rip.
  3. Gutted, RIP.
  4. Part of my wasted yoof....:(
  5. Oh no!

    Bad news indeed. He first made me piss myself laughing when being one of The Dangerous Brothers.

    - is there a button that dislikes dislikes?
    #5 Wrecked, Jun 9, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2014
  6. Sorry to break the news to you @MrAliT

    Rick Mayall was a foundation stone of my youth. I can quote multiple lines from everything from Kevin Turvey, Dangerous Brothers, Bottom etc. The live shows nearly had me in hospital with a heart attack I laughed so hard.

    I will miss him terribly yet remember him fondly. Sad news but our office is rocking to various Rick quotes such was the esteem the guy was held in.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. I can't believe this.. that's got to be a young age. R.I.P. Rick
  8. I was riding home today and had a Young Ones scene going on in my head. This is weird and very sad. RIP Rik
  9. I wactched a couple of Bottom episodes on NetFlix recently - it's still funny. We mustn't forget Alan B'Stard either. A great loss, and I think he survived a bike crash of sorts (Quad bike?) some years ago too.
  10. Very sad. An extremely funny bloke.
  11. Very funny guy, will be sadly missed.
  12. shocked at this sad news. we are just at that dangerous age.
  13. been at that dangerous age since i discovered engines and bikes
  14. shocked at the news
  15. Very very sad news, Bottom and the young ones were 2 of my favourite shows when i was growing up :(
  16. A genius,
  17. Rip drop dead Fred :(
  18. The Young Ones.
    Leather Jackets.
    DM Boots.
    Sixth Form girls.
    Killing Joke gigs.

    Ghosts now...:(
  19. One of the funniest guys on the planet! RIP :(
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