Morning! I have bought a Piaggio scooter for my son who is 16 in April and I will hopefully be collecting it today. Im a bit unsure as to where ibstand on insurance as I would have to ride it home. Would I be covered by my current insurance (TPFT) or would I need to arrange separate insurance? It would only be for the hours ride home so dont want to be forking out for an annual policy if I can help it. Are there any companies out there that do insurance by the day?? Thanks in advance!
As above , give your ins a ring , I am covered on my car ins to ride a 50cc scooter regardless of whether I have a bike licence or not.
No. Even if you are ok to ride other bikes, they have to be insured by someone or its invalid. You could take the plate off your bike and tape it on ;-)
Well, im back! A bit soggy but safe! Turns out I was covered on my insurance! Thanks to all for the advice. El T/ TT600- I have always found this forum to be more reliable than Google! ;-) Merry Xmas all!!
Not so, you will be covered for the legal minimum cover, Road traffic act only. It will vary on a policy to policy level, and may have age restrictions etc. Check with your insurer to be safe ;-)
Good luck arguing that on a non insured vehicle. Been caught on it myself. Got away with a caution, but my mate never. Otherwise, you could insure a banged old mini and drive a supercar as long as it wasn't in your name
it wasn't havin a pop at you, it was ETs leg i was aiming for! i must say though, in these circs, id be phoning and asking them to whom i was paying an insce premium, and who id be claiming off if necc., good as this forum is at many many things not needed though, youve got it all sorted . Job done. Nice one. ET is still lazy though, but he does well with half a keyboard, for his half sentences….