why would anybody watch a programme with the word 'celebrity' in the title? They never have any celebrities in them, and they are always shit...always.
Actually they have had some A class celebs in there over the years...and there is always the shower scenes ;-) I manage about 15 min tops, the missus will watch it every night
bloody hell Columbo.. how many songs do you know when you go out on the pish? how many CD's do you own? if this is as far as Plod get with their investigations, no wonder our legal system has become a "nightmare in a bubble car"..
two in the pink and one in the stink….. i sang the national anthem on saturday at twickenham, (yes and proudly!) sang jerusalem before the game even when Laura wrights mic didn't work…sang about yogi bear on the train to vauxhall, dirty bear, does that help……...
its something he better get used to because if he's to stay in the tv industry with his lack of talent hes gonna have to gag on a few more along the way !
One good reason not to watch "I'm a celebrity..." ? Because it is soul-destroying, mind-rotting, puerile, pointless shit, full of washed-up, talentless, z-list nobodies who are desperate to get their names on the front page of the gutter press. Is that a good enough reason?