one memory.......

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. you are allowed to keep one memory from your life thus far.........whats it to be?
  2. I think mine will happen in Cartagena just after the last motogp this year :wink:
  3. Meeting my wife.

    Is that the right answer do you think?
  4. Holding my daughter for the first time, no question.
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  5. Watching my first son being born.
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  6. My cat scruff. (15.08.12) he made it to 21 years of age. (respectable in cat years) been nearly a year but it still hurts.
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  7. Sons birth
  8. First solo flight......beautiful evening,nervous as a kitten,I was an absolute bag of nerves when the Instructor got out and said,"one circuit and bring it back in one piece" concentration all the way up to circuit height,but when I turned downwind I realised I WAS UP THERE ON MY OWN.....unbelievable feeling of achievement/gratitude/awe/wonder/absolute joy all rolled into one,glorious moment...I was like a kid with a new pushbike for Christmas....fantastic...
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  9. Depends how many you've had
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  10. Meeting El T's wife :wink:
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  11. Well if it's going to be like a groundhog day scenario then not my first kiss, losing my virginity or child birth thank you very much

    So let's go for snorkeling with whale sharks
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  12. My first experience with a front opening bra...:biggrin:
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  13. Imagine that, both going for the same memory :tongue:
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  14. Didnt it chaffe your armpits, Nelson?
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  15. Champions league final 2005 Istanbul,the wife and kids fully understand that anything else pales into significance :biggrin:
  16. Jeez that's too tough for me !!!
    I guess should say kids but I don't believe in favouritism.

    So I'm still waiting for something!!
  17. Although seeing some geezer I know of get his man sausage out on embarrasing bodies has scarred me for life!!!!
    And the quick turn over messages and calls its something I wish I had not seen!
  18. That reminds me of how I lost my virginity :frown:
  19. Feeding the orphaned baby elephant in Sri Lanka with a baby bottle and taking tea with the Monk who guards the bell on top of Adams Peak Sri Lanka
    The guide that took us up the mountain who wanted to be able to take his wife to the seaside but was too poor to do so
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